God is Still God
But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets… (Daniel 2:28a NLT)
Listen, I have one simple thought upon which I want you to focus today. Here it is: God is still God. There are so many situations and voices trying to grab your attention to convince you that God is actually not who God says that God is. Those circumstances and voices are all a lie.
God is still doing the miraculous. God is still opening the right doors and closing the wrong doors. God is still healing ALL MANNER of sin, sickness and disease. God is still undoing, redoing and outdoing. God still has all power. God is still love. God is still loving us at our most unlovable point and forgiving us of things for which we cannot forgive ourselves. God is still bigger than any obstacle you will ever face. God is in your right now and God will be in your tomorrow. God is still working. God is still our hope. God is still keeping promises. God is still restoring marriages. God is still providing and making a way out of no way. God is still breaking chains and setting people free. God is still reconciling relationships. God is still seeking and saving those who are lost, confused and disappointed. God is still speaking. God is still listening. God is still answering prayers. God is still birthing new life. God is still fulfilling dreams. God is still able. God can still be trusted. God is still God. Jesus is still Lord. God still loves you and has a plan for your life. Fix your eyes on Jesus. God is still good. God. Is. Still. God.
Be not dismayed whate’er betide, God will take care of you! Beneath His wings of love abide, God will take care of you! God will take care of you, through every day o’er all the way; He will take care of you; God will take care of you!
This is awesome and very very encouraging.
Once again this blog post came right when I needed it most! God. Is. Still. God. AMEN!
Amen! Blessed to have been a blessing to you today! Stay encouraged!